The latest developments in the French environmental labelling system

In this webinar, discover all the new features announced by ADEME and the French Ministry of Ecological Transition concerning the French Environmental Display scheme.

Last week, ADEME and the French Ministry of Ecological Transition announced the latest developments in methodological work on environmental labelling.

They provided more details on the criteria that were still the subject of debate until then: in particular, the inclusion of (emotional) sustainability, microfibers and exports outside Europe in the measurement of product impact.

On Thursday March 21 at 9:30 a.m., we'll be hosting a webinar to give you the lowdown on this announcement.

In 30 minutes, we'll talk about :

  • the state of play of the French methodology in relation to existing methodologies.
  • the latest developments announced for the French environmental labelling system.

We also take the time to answer any questions you may have on the subject in the 2nd part of the webinar.

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On the program:
Update presentation
Durability, Export outside Europe at end of life.
What's the timetable for implementation?
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