Our mission

Bring greater transparency to the environmental impact of the products we consume every day, from the t-shirt we wear to the mattress we sleep on! 🌍
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The founders of Waro

- Our vision

Make environmental impact a genuine criterion of choice, from product design right through to the purchase decision in store!
Our ambition is to offer our customers a simple, ergonomic tool that makes it easy for them to :
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Understand the impact of their products
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Rely on a genuine decision-making tool to reduce the impact of their catalog and feed their CSR strategy
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Transparently communicate the impact and history of their products

A team on a mission to decarbonize the fashion and furnishings industry

School friends Paul, Adrien Michel and Alexandre launched Waro at the end of their studies with the shared conviction that entrepreneurship was an excellent way of moving the lines in response to the climate challenge. With this in mind, they wanted to provide a solution that would enable consumers to understand the environmental impact of the products they buy on a daily basis!

This is why, in 2021, they decided to create a simple, easy-to-use SaaS platform to enable their customers to measure, reduce and communicate the impact of their products!

Alexandre Alves
Alexandre Alves
Co-founder & CTO
Paul Cappuccio
Paul Cappuccio
Co-founder & CEO
Adrien Esnault
Adrien Esnault
Co-founder & CPO
Michel Richard
Michel Richard
Co-founder & HoS

- Our values

Team spirit and sharing
Waro team
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Waro product team
Waro product team
Working at Waro
Fascinating discussions
Exciting brainstorms

We're recruiting!

Would you like to develop Waro with us? Take a look at our job offers or contact us to discuss!
I'm applying