How can we make the link between environmental display and eco-design?

The aim of this webinar is to give you operational advice on how to navigate between environmental labelling and eco-design.

The transparency and environmental responsibility of textile companies have become decisive criteria for consumers. To remain competitive and comply with new regulations, eco-design and environmental labelling are crucial issues.

The central question of this webinar: How can we make the link between environmental labelling and eco-design?

You will soon be required to communicate transparently on the environmental impact of your products. This will take the form of a score for each product (similar to the Nutri-score).

You'll undoubtedly want to improve this score, and showcase your efforts to reduce your impact.

In this webinar, the aim is clear: to give you operational advice on how to navigate between environmental labelling and eco-design, and illustrate how they can be levers for improving your environmental performance.

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On the program:
Changes in environmental labelling regulations
How can you get your teams involved?
How can you use eco-design as a lever to improve your environmental ratings?
Interactive case study
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