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Find out about ADEME's textile eco-design assistance (TEXHABI call for projects)

Benjamin THOMAS
July 31, 2024
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TEXHABI Project: Ecodesign of Clothing Textiles

ADEME has launched a call for projects, called TEXHABI, dedicated to the eco-design of clothing textiles. This article presents the initiative, its beneficiaries, available grants, eligible expenses, application procedures and the project timeline.

Project presentation

The TEXHABI call for projects, proposed by ADEME, aims to support companies in the textile sector in their eco-design approach and preparation for environmental labelling. Eco-design aims to reduce the environmental impact of textile products throughout their life cycle, from manufacture to end-of-life.

Who's concerned?

This call for projects (AAP) is aimed at companies in the clothing textile sector:

  • Issuers of clothing products affected by environmental labelling regulations.
  • Suppliers/manufacturers of clothing products.

The AAP is open to all sizes of company (SMEs, ETIs, large groups) and all levels of eco-design maturity.

Help details

Terms of assistance

This project aims to support companies, with 3 types of project depending on their level of eco-design maturity.

It is structured around three areas of assistance:

  • Focus 1: First steps in eco-design
    • For SMEs only
    • The aim is to empower companies in their initial ecodesign actions, by selecting improvement measures from recognized ecodesign levers and drawing up a roadmap.
    • Maximum assistance: €5,000
    • Deliverable: costed action plan.
  • Area 2: Ecodesign diagnosis
    • Open to all company sizes and maturity levels
    • Objective: To help companies deepen their eco-design actions through customized diagnostic studies in relation to their processes and value chains.
    • Maximum assistance: €50,000.
    • Deliverable: Detailed diagnosis and recommendations for improvement.
  • 3: Implementing eco-design levers
    • Open to all company sizes.
    • Objective: To help companies prepare their eco-designed products for the market.
    • Maximum assistance: €100,000.
    • Deliverable: Implementation roadmap and calculation of the environmental cost of products.

Important information:

  • Ecodesign project studies can be supported up to 80% of internal and service costs.

Project timeline

Applications can be submitted during the entire AAP opening period.

  • Applications for Axis 1 will be processed on an ongoing basis.
  • Applications for axes 2 and 3 will be examined after each changeover until the final closure of the AAP.

Applications are open from June 19, 2024 to June 26, 2025 3:00 pm.

Here are the key dates for the TEXHABI call for projects:

  • Opening: June 2024.
  • Changeover 1: September 30, 2024 at 3pm.
  • Relève 2: November 25, 2024 at 3pm.
  • Changeover 3: January 27, 2025 at 3pm.
  • Relève 4: March 31, 2025 at 3pm.
  • Changeover 5: May 26, 2025 at 3pm.
  • Exercise 6 and closing: June 30, 2025.

Types of eligible expenditure

Expenses eligible for TEXHABI support include :

  • Ecodesign training.
  • Internal expenses related to participation in the work.
  • Tests on prototypes, pre-production runs, subcontracting and sourcing.
  • Market and consumer perception studies.
  • Critical review of LCAs carried out under the European PEF project.

How do you prepare your application?

The elements to be included in the application file are :

For further information, please contact us or consult the resources available on the ADEME website.

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